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Parents of Parkside
Every Parent is an ‘unofficial’ member of the Parents of Parkside (PoP). We are a friendly committee of volunteer parents, who work to raise funds for the school.
Parents of Parkside also provide a social link for parents through a variety of events throughout the year. Any parent is welcome to join, so please get in touch if you’d like to get involved. We would love to hear from you.
We are an enthusiastic team, including Class Reps, and we enjoy arranging a host of popular events like the Mother’s Dinner, Christmas Bazaar, Fireworks & Bonfire Night, Summer Party, Biscuit and Merchandise sales, amongst many others.
In the last few years, the money raised by Parents of Parkside has been used to fund a variety of projects throughout the school, including Smart TVs for the pupils classrooms, new equipment for the Nursery playground, a contribution towards Literacy resources for the English department, a new stage and back drop scenes for the gym, a Food Technology Room and an impressive STEM room.
We are currently raising funds for a new Science Lab and have introduced a new initiative to the whole school. The children, families and staff have been asked to run a sponsored 5k individually and in their own time. So far we have raised over £3,000! It has been great to see teachers and parents leading by example (see photos below).
PoP not only raise funds for the school, we also help out with everyday support for the school. There are many volunteers who support the pupils to read, and work in the Libraries.
We are very appreciative of all support at the various events throughout the year. With the exception of charitable donations, all monies raised go straight to the School and Nursery to help fund the purchase of equipment and enhance school facilities; all of which directly benefit the pupils. We cannot do this without your generous support.
Parents of Parkside is a hugely social affair and a great way to get involved and make new friends. Our Parkside Parent / Staff Choir has performed at many events and practise throughout the year. We are very proud of the strong community at Parkside and the friendships formed over the years.
Any parent is welcome to join, and we are more of a community than a committee. We are constantly on the lookout for new recruits and new ideas. Please feel free to contact any of us, either via the PoP box located at Parkside Reception in The Manor or by email: