The Parkside Prep School Library is a vibrant and busy space in the heart of the School. The Library is open every morning during Form Time and after lunch break during DEAR (Drop Everything And Read).
All pupils come into the Library for one lesson a week, in their English sets, as well as Guided Reading lessons in Years 3-6.
There are regular Book Clubs from Year 5 upwards, before School, where pupils join our Librarian to discuss a book they have all read, over croissants and hot chocolate.
Boys learn how to use the library lending system, signing their own books in and out. They are free to choose books independently, within age-appropriate sections and a broad range of genres. The children often recommend titles to each other. Our Library Committee supports our Librarian by feeding back the pupils experience of the Library, helping to catalogue and tidy the books, as well as sharing their love of reading with their peers.
We have a termly House competition for the most words read, using the Accelerated Reader Scheme, where pupils can take short quizzes on the books they read. This is hugely popular, with the pupils regularly checking the leader boards and enjoying rewards for their reading progress.
Exciting news! We are partnering with Cobham Bookshop to bring the Cobham Children's Choice
The children also benefit from regular author visits and online events organised throughout the year. Book Week is a wonderful highlight in the library’s calendar, when the whole School joins together to enjoy reading and everything to do with books.
Parkside is a School of Readers. In the words of award-winning author, S F Said:
“Why should children read? Because reading opens our eyes & hearts & minds. It helps us imagine different lives, different worlds; it helps us build a better world.
So please keep reading books with children and encouraging them to read. There is nothing more important!”
Every holiday there are Reading Challenges, encouraging pupils to try something different and to read for pleasure in their own time.
Pre-Prep February Half Term Reading Challenge
Years 3 & 4 February Half Term Reading Challenge
Years 5 & 6 February Half Term Reading Challenge
Years 7 & 8 February Half Term Reading Challenge
Pre-Prep October Half Term Reading Challenge